Box Shadow Generator
Generate Css box shadow with tool.
If you're into CSS, you've probably heard of box-shadow. You actually have another option for shading, but not many people know about it.
Users occasionally research how to add a box shadow to a png image. Box-shadow is not the right choice for transparent images like PNG. drop-shadow should be used for transparent images. Filter drop shadow is supported by all current browsers.
It is a css function of the drop-shadow filter property.
When added to an element, it creates a drop shadow for the element.
The drop-shadow syntax is as follows:
filter : drop-shadow(offset-x offset-y blur, color);
But you dont need to keep them in mind. We have developed a filter drop-shadow generator for you.
You can easily create your drop shadow as you wish and use it in your project.
Yes, After creating your design, click the 'Share Your Design' button. The system will create a short link for you. Thanks to this link, you can share your design with your friends with your css code. Your friends can update the design and get a new link and send it to you.